I was at JoAnn's yesterday and had selected the Damask Decor cartridge. Of course, when I took the card to the register, the cartridge could not be found. I hate when that happens during their sales. But, as the clerk was looking through the locked area, I did see the new cartridge, Phrases, so I bought it instead. And guess what? I LOVE it!!! I really like the new feature in the handbook that suggests a minimum size in order to get a good clean cut. I think that's going to be very helpful when cutting the more intricate images.
So, on to my card. We have friends in WA who grow Walla Walla Sweet onions. For the last two years
they have shipped us a case. My DH is in heaven eating his sweet onion, garden fresh tomato, and bacon sandwich. I wanted to send them a thank you card. I found the onion image on the Block Party cartridge and the sentiment is from my new Phrases cartridge.
Tomorrow is the debut of Louby Loo's newest release. Be sure to stop by to see my 2-page layout featuring her new Fall Kids digital stamps.
Hugs and Happy Crafting,
Larelyn, your card is adorable. You're such an enabler. LOL Now I have to look into the "Phrases" cartridge.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet card! And your hubby's sandwich of choice sounds wonderful! I haven't purchased "Phrases" yet, but guess I'll NEED to be checking it out...my hubby thanks you...lol!
ReplyDeleteGreat Thank you card. Love these onions! No one would belive me when I said they are like eating an apple...crazy people I live with...more for me..haha