
Monday, August 2, 2010

My First Blog Award!!

The fantastic and talented Sheila, aka, shesasassylady, was kind enough to pass along this blog award to 10 gals who are new to blogging.  She is just so kind, encouraging, and supportive of our efforts.  Be sure to visit her blog for some wonderful inspiration.

There are some "rules" of acceptance, however.  Besides passing the award on, Sheila asked that we share 2 reasons why we started a blog and why we will continue.
1.  I started a blog because I love visiting and learning from other papercrafters.  My hope is that someday I
    can inspire others as I have been inspired.
2.  I wanted to be able to join in the bloghops and the fun shared by the blogging community.
I'll continue to blog because I want to continue to learn and grow in my craft.  And, I just love all the wonderful people I've met as I travel this blogging road.  It's such a grand journey.

So, I'd like to pass this on to those who have helped me begin this journey: (Carolyn) (Michelle) (Peachy) (Sue) (Raquel) (Sherri) (Jeannie) (Elizabeth) (Pam)  (Monique)

Thanks, again, Sheila.  This is such a thrill for a newbie.
Hugs to all the inspiring papercrafters whom I've met in my blog and messageboard travels.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Larelyn! This is Xochitl (cricutcritter) met you at the Heart2heart card marathon. Found your blog and became a followers. You have some great cards here, glad to have found lots of inspiration here.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love hearing from you!